Wednesday, March 18, 2020

St. Thomas Church, Garrison

I have been visiting St. Thomas Church in Garrison as long as I have been alive! Members of my mother's family dating back to the 1700's are buried there, as is my father, who joined the congregation when he arrived in the States from England. 
As children, we used to pick raspberries and blackberries along the verges of the cornfield, and when we'd get bored, we would poke around the graveyard, looking for family members.
Just before Christmas, several friends and I went out there to place wreaths on the graves of our ancestors, and to toast them with champagne. 
The original section of the church was built in 1743-44, and the transepts were added in 1890. The oldest graves date back to the 1700's. 
The church is basically Georgian with some Gothic influences, especially inside. It was authorized by an act of the Legislature in October of 1742, which also separated it from St. Paul's Church in Baltimore City. 
Link to Medusa.


  1. We were members when we lived in Stevenson and I was confirmed in this church.

    1. Hi! Glad you are following this adventure!
