Thursday, March 19, 2020

St. Patrick’s Chapel, Darlington

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I looked for a historic church named in his memory, and came up with St. Patrick's Chapel in Darlington, Cecil County. 
This is not a place that you're going to stumble upon, you really have to hunt for it! You turn off the main road and keep turning onto smaller and smaller roads until you get there. It was so rural that I saw chickens crossing the road!
St. Patrick's Chapel was founded by the Irish settlers who were living on the Susquehanna River and digging the canals and piloting the barges along the river. 
What is important is that at the time, Catholics were not allowed to build churches in Ireland, so the fact that they could build a church in the new country was a huge indication of the religious freedom they found here. 
Sadly, I missed the St. Patrick's service that was held here the Sunday before St. Patrick's day, but someone had thoughtfully put green carnations on many of the graves. 
There is no Medusa listing for this site.

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